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Corporate Social Responsibility concept

The JTEKT group, in order to fulfill its mission of “contributing to the happiness of people and the abundance of society through product manufacturing,” seeks to carry out business activities in harmony with the economy, society, and the environment based on its Corporate Activities Standards. As a good corporate citizen, it will strive to resolve social issues and contribute to the sustainable development of society and the environment together with customers and suppliers that share this goal.

Corporate Activities Standards

【Responsibility to customers and suppliers】
Follow proper business practices and engage in fair, transparent and free competition based on a respect for the law. Derive concepts from the market, provide the best in quality, technology and service, and obtain the satisfaction and trust of customers.
【Responsibility to shareholders】
Maintain close communication not only with shareholders but also with society at large, disclose corporate information properly, and strive continuously to improve company value.
【Responsibility to employees】
Respect the individuality of employees, create safe workplaces that are motivating to employees and enable them to fulfill their potential, and strive to provide each with abundant living circumstances.
【Contribute to regional society and global society】
As a good corporate citizen, aggressively pursue activities that contribute to society. Follow international rules, observe the laws, cultures and customs of countries and regions where we have operations, and seek to contribute to their growth. Carry out global environmental improvement activities proactively and aggressively with deep awareness of their being an important corporate mission.

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