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Vertical spindle machining centers
  • FV965S/FV1165S/FV1365S/FV1565S/FV1480S/FV1680S
    ■ High rigidity bed and box slide supporting heavy cutting. ■ 4-slide Y-axis with little overhang. ■ Good workability and operability for users.
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    High rigidity box slide machine suiting all kinds of manufacturing.

    ■ High rigidity bed and box slide supporting heavy cutting. ■ 4-slide Y-axis with little overhang. ■ Good workability and operability for users.
      FV965S FV1165S FV1365S
    Table (working plane) size (mm) 1,100x650 1,300x650 1,450x650
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 900 1,100 1,300
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 650
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 600
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 30(X,Y),24(Z)
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 8,000[12,000] 6,000[10,000]
    Spindle nose shape BT No.40 BT No.50
    Spindle drive motor (kW) 15/11[18.5/15] 18.5/15

      FV1565S FV1480S FV1680S
    Table size (mm) 1,650x650 1,550x800 1,750x800
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 1,500 1,400 1,600
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 650 800 800
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 600 700 800
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 24(X,Y),18(Z)
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 8,000[12,000] 6,000[10,000] 6,000[10,000]
    Spindle nose shape BT No.40 BT No.50 BT No.50
    Spindle drive motor (kW) 15/11[18.5/15] 18.5/15 26/22[18.5/15]
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • FV1890S/FV2090S Vertical spindle machining center
    ■ Y-axis hybrid slide (high rigidity box slide and line slide) and dual ballscrew drive. ■ 4-slide Y-axis with little overhang. ■ Good workability and operability for users.
    bob体育官方:Detail >>
    Improved heavy cutting with strong power.

    ■ Y-axis hybrid slide (high rigidity box slide and line slide) and dual ballscrew drive. ■ 4-slide Y-axis with little overhang. ■ Good workability and operability for users.
      FV1890S FV2090S
    Table (working plane) size (mm) 1,950x900 2,150x900
    X-Axis Travel (mm) 1,800 2,000
    Y-Axis Travel (mm) 900 900
    Z-Axis Travel (mm) 900 900
    Rapid feedrate (m/min) 20(X,Y),18(Z)
    Spindle rotation speed (min-1) 15~6,000[15~10,000]
    Spindle nose shape BT No.50
    Spindle drive motor (kW)
    short time/continous
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

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