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Cam line grinders
  • GL32Mi-35/63 CBN camshaft main journal grinder
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding. ■ The smallest machine width, improving line productivity.
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    Cylindrical grinder for cam and crankshafts with high productivity and versatility of multi-step grinding.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding. ■ The smallest machine width, improving line productivity.
      GL32Mi-35 GL32Mi-63
    Distance between centers(mm) 350 630
    Grinding diameter(mm) φ10~φ150
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ350[φ430]
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 120[80]
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • GC20Mi-35/63 CBN camshaft rod journal grinder
    ■ High accuracy ■ Increasing in productivity ■ Reassuring operation
    bob体育官方:Detail >>
    The latest camshaft grinder with linear motor drive.

    ■ High accuracy
     · High accuracy grinding assuring a high quality surface grinding.
     · High-r♒igidity bed reduces thermal displacement and improves chattering accuracy.

    ■ Increasing in productivity
     · Achieving high-speed grinding of difficult-to-cut material.
     · Reduction of changeover 🍨💟time.

    ■ Reassuring operation
     · Improved reliability with TOYOPUC-GC70.
     💧;· Simplification of wheel replacement.

      GC20Mi-35 GC20Mi-63
    Distance between centers(mm) 350 630
    Grinding diameter(mm) φ10~φ300
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ350[φ100][φ150]
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) φ350Wheel: 120[80]  [φ100Wheel: 60]  [φ150Wheel: 80] 
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • GC20Ri-63 CBN camshaft grinder
    ■ High accuracy ■ Improvement of productivity ■ Reassuring operation
    bob体育官方:Detail >>
    CBN camshaft combination grinder that enables efficiency operation of equipment.

    ■ High accuracy
     · High accuracy grinding assuring a high quality surface grinding.
     · 3-point support bed.
     · Heat isolation cover.

    ■ Improvement of productivity
     · Achieving high speed grinding.
     · Achieving high efficiency grinding by DD wheel spindle.
     · High ouꦇtput wheel spindle for wheel with small✤ diameter.

    ■ Reassuring operation
     · Improved reliability with TOYOPUC-GC7﷽0.

    Distance between centers(mm) 630
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ300
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ120
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 80

  • GC32M-63/120 CBN camshaft rod journal grinder
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding. ■ The smallest machine width, improving line productivity.
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    Camshaft grinder with linear drive and high output wheel spindle makes high speed and high accuracy cam grinding possible.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding. ■ The smallest machine width, improving line productivity.
    Distance between centers(mm) 630/1,200
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ300
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ350
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 160[80/200]
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • GC32M-200 CBN camshaft rod journal grinder
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding of large parts. ■ Improve operability and maintainability with GC50.
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    Large camshaft grinder driven by a high speed and high accuracy linear motor.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Abundant functions achieving high accuracy grinding of large parts. ■ Improve operability and maintainability with GC50.
    Distance between centers(mm) 2,000
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ300
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ350[φ100/φ150]
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 120[80]
    [ ] shows optional specification.

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