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Universal grinders
  • TG4 grinding center
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Integrates the processes of two machines into one with a combination function. ■ Accuracy and speed at the highest level.
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    A combination grinder that combines high accuracy and high efficiency to achieve the fastest wheelhead swivel speed in the world.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Integrates the processes of two machines into one with a combination function. ■ Accuracy and speed at the highest level.
    Distance between centers(mm) 320/630
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) O.D. :φ300, I.D. :φ120
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ405[φ350※]
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 30[45/60/80][30/45/60/80]※
    [ ] shows optional specifications.
    ※ shows CBN wheel specifications.

  • G32 hydraulic general purpose cylindrical grinder
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Hydraulic slide with high accuracy and smooth movement. ■ Device arrangement is best suited to manual grinding.
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    Best-selling grinder condensing the skills of expert workmen.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Hydraulic slide with high accuracy and smooth movement. ■ Device arrangement is best suited to manual grinding.
      GOP32 GOS32
    Distance between centers(mm) 500/1,000/1500
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ220
    CBN grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ405
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 30[45] 30
    [ ] shows optional specifications.

  • SELECTG-Ⅱ CNC cylindrical grinder
    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Manual switch between straight and angular. ■ φ510 mm grinding wheel.
    bob体育官方:Detail >>
    This flexible grinder is able to switch between straight, angular and internal grinding.

    ■ Features the TOYODA STAT BEARING. ■ Manual switch between straight and angular. ■ φ510 mm grinding wheel.
    Distance between centers(mm) 1,000/1,500
    Max. grinding diameter(mm) φ300
    Grinding wheel O.D.(mm) φ510
    Wheel surface speed(m/s) 30[45]
    [ ] shows optional specification.

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